William M. Goodrich

William M. Goodrich (* 21 July 1777 in Templeton, orcester County, Massachusetts; † 15 September 1833) was an Organ builder in the United States.

William M. Goodrich of Boston, Massachusetts was an important American builder of a large number of notable pipe organs from its inception in 1805 until its closure in 1833.

His Father Ebenezer Goodrich was Farmer in Templeton. His brother name was also named Ebenezer Goodrich. His brother-in-law was Thomas Appleton.

Goodrich had a major part in introducing free reeds.

"In June, 1811, Maelzel's Pan Harmonicon was brought to Boston, from Europe, and Mr. Goodrich was employed in putting it up, and in exhibiting it. In September, 1811, it was taken down, and removed to New-York, where it was put up for exhibition. In doing this, also, Mr. Goodrich was employed. It was afterwards removed to other cities;"

"* [...] Most of the dates, contained in this account of his life, were given by Mr. Goodrich to the writer, altogether from memory. It Is possible, therefore, that some portion of them may not be strictly persons, whose inclinations and pursuits corresponded with his own."[1]


  1. ^ The New-England Magazine, Band 6, from 1834, Page 25 - 45,Online

See also